STOPTIME: Live in the Moment.

Debunking Life Hacks: Embracing Individuality through the Mosaic of Life

July 25, 2023 Lisa Hopkins, Wide Open Stages Season 8 Episode 24
Debunking Life Hacks: Embracing Individuality through the Mosaic of Life
STOPTIME: Live in the Moment.
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STOPTIME: Live in the Moment.
Debunking Life Hacks: Embracing Individuality through the Mosaic of Life
Jul 25, 2023 Season 8 Episode 24
Lisa Hopkins, Wide Open Stages

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Are life hacks really the secret to personal growth and mindfulness? Weren't you wondering why some of these so-called science-backed tips don't work for you? Join me, Lisa Hopkins, as I dismiss the idea of one-size-fits-all life hacks and instead, champion the beauty of personal evolution through diverse life experiences.

Drawing wisdom from the metaphor of a mosaic, we’ll explore how life is a collection of unique pieces that form the stunning tapestry of our existence. Using my cherished mosaic candle holder as an emblem, I'll guide you towards understanding that life is not a puzzle to solve but a series of experiences to live. The key to personal growth is not in finding shortcuts but in surrendering to the flow of life, appreciating the ebb and flow, and assembling your unique experiences into a beautiful mosaic. Listen in as we embrace the power of individuality, acknowledging that we're all different and that it's perfectly okay. Let's together debunk the myth of the magical elixir of life and learn to create change through self-awareness and mindfulness.

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🎵 **STOPTIME Theme Music by Philip David Stern**
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Show Notes Transcript

Let us know what you enjoy about the show!

Are life hacks really the secret to personal growth and mindfulness? Weren't you wondering why some of these so-called science-backed tips don't work for you? Join me, Lisa Hopkins, as I dismiss the idea of one-size-fits-all life hacks and instead, champion the beauty of personal evolution through diverse life experiences.

Drawing wisdom from the metaphor of a mosaic, we’ll explore how life is a collection of unique pieces that form the stunning tapestry of our existence. Using my cherished mosaic candle holder as an emblem, I'll guide you towards understanding that life is not a puzzle to solve but a series of experiences to live. The key to personal growth is not in finding shortcuts but in surrendering to the flow of life, appreciating the ebb and flow, and assembling your unique experiences into a beautiful mosaic. Listen in as we embrace the power of individuality, acknowledging that we're all different and that it's perfectly okay. Let's together debunk the myth of the magical elixir of life and learn to create change through self-awareness and mindfulness.

If you are enjoying the show please subscribe, share and review! Word of mouth is incredibly impactful and your support is much appreciated!

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Dive into a world where spontaneity leads to creativity and discover personal essays that inspire with journal space to reflect. Click the link below to grab your copy today and embark on a journey of self-discovery and unexpected joys! 🌈👇
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📸 **Follow Lisa on Instagram:** @wideopenstages

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🎵 **STOPTIME Theme Music by Philip David Stern**
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Speaker 1:

You know, you can't go anywhere in the personal development or mindfulness space these days without being promised that there is some new life hack that is going to change your life, and nine times out of ten, these miracle tips are touted as being backed by science. It's ubiquitous and, as far as I'm concerned, bordering on well disingenuous. There are no shortcuts to personal growth. There's a reason why mindfulness is referred to as a practice. Now, I'm all about science and data, but here's the thing. What happens if you try one of these so-called evidence-based, science-backed tips or tricks and it doesn't work? What does that say about you? How does that make you feel? What if it works for me or other people you know, but not for you? There may be some science around it in their studies, but you weren't in the study. I wasn't in the study. These things that are being positioned as life-changing are well if they work at all. Tools at best. Here's the thing Each and every one of us are unique. What works for one may not work for the other, and that is perfectly okay. What works for you today may not work as effectively for you tomorrow, and that, too, is perfectly all right. The only tried and true stuff is the stuff that you try and the stuff that is true for you.

Speaker 1:

So I have this beautiful mosaic bowl that holds a candle. It is beautifully rounded and all the tiles of the mosaic glow when the candle is lit. It used to be my mom's and when I was growing up I always admired it. She had it sitting in the bay window of our kitchen and I loved it. I just loved it so much. When I moved away from home she let me have it and it has gone literally everywhere with me. It has shone in every single place that I have lived since I left home. So if there is one consistent in my life, it is this beautiful, beautiful mosaic candle holder. I light it almost every day, usually in the early evening, and when I light it, mom is with me again after six years gone.

Speaker 1:

I mention this because for me, life isn't something that needs a hack. For me, the way I live, my life is all about those little pieces and how they fit together to make a beautiful, colorful mosaic. I'm not one to memorize and save. I am more of a sponge and a squeeze. It's more about synthesis for me soaking things in but not trying to hold onto them, experiencing them as they pass through me. Some elements are absorbed and those pieces stay with me, but they become assembled in new ways. My life is the sum of many different and beautiful shards, some rich with color, some perfectly clear, some smooth and polished, others sharp and rough. But all these pieces make me who I am today, and I will change and evolve as I add new pieces to my mosaic. For that I don't need a hack. I simply need to be open to experience all that life has to offer.

Speaker 1:

So this big idea that there is one magical elixir or habit that is going to start a domino effect of changing our lives quite frankly is a fallacy. Not because it won't work. It might work, but it's not the only thing that's going to make the difference and it certainly is not the thing that is going to change your life. You are the one who is going to make the difference. You are the only one who is going to create change in your life. Take life as it comes, Receive and acknowledge what you've got in each moment, Put it together and see what beauty you can create right then and there.

Speaker 1:

Even when things are messy, even when things are confusing, especially when things are hard. You know, there's an interesting thing about my mosaic bowl Since the candle is too fresh and new or too strong and big, it doesn't glow very well. It clothes best and lights up all the pieces when the candle light is low, when the candle is closer to the wick, closer to the core. So take a moment to recognize all the beautiful pieces that have become you, Embrace where you are right now and draw from what you have and build from there. Bring the light in different parts of your candle, Continue to piece it together and something new and beautiful will be formed from little pieces you are collecting and those that are within you already.

Speaker 1:

Take your time, my friends. I do not have a quick hack for you. If you want to look in the morning in the mirror at yourself and say you go girl, then say it. But if you don't, you're not missing out on some secret elixir for life success. You really aren't. You really aren't. Create your own, Change it up, Make and populate your toolkit All the little colorful pieces fitting beautifully together to form who you are in this moment. Depending on what height your candle is burning, it's up to you. You always burn brightly to me. My friends, I am Lisa Hopkins. Stay safe and healthy. Thank you so much for listening and remember to live in the moment.