STOPTIME: Live in the Moment.

Chakra Healing and Life Affirmations: A Meditation for Rejuvenation and Peace

β€’ Lisa Hopkins, Wide Open Stages

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Embark on a journey of self-discovery and rejuvenation with our latest meditation-focused episode. As your guide, I'll walk you through a transformative chakra and energy visualization meditation that promises to revitalized your life force. Imagine your body immersed in a spectrum of healing lights, each color unlocking a deeper sense of security, balance, and connection within you. From the grounding energy of the root chakra to the divine inspiration of the crown, we'll explore every facet of your inner world. The visualization crescendos with the cleansing imagery of rain, symbolizing your refreshing start. Whether you're winding down for the night or seeking a burst of morning energy, this meditation is your key to a harmonious and spirited beginning or end to your day.

In the second part of our session, we'll cultivate a garden of gratitude and contentment through life affirmation and relaxation meditation. You'll be enveloped in affirmations that resonate with the soul, nurturing seeds of joy and appreciation for life's continuous wonders. With each breath, we'll draw closer to a tranquil spirit, leaving behind any lingering stress or anxiety. As you return from this meditative journey, you'll carry with you the stillness and energy needed to infuse your daily life with peace and vitality. Join me, and together let's unlock the serenity and abundance waiting within us all.

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Speaker 1:

Hey there, today's visualization and chakra work will help you re-engage your vitality and connection with your life force, energy. It's a kind of clearing and a recalibration that can help you send yourself into sleep or refresh and renew to start your day or the next part of your day. So, however you'd like to use this, feel free. My friends and I'm just going to ask you to settle into a comfortable position, making sure that you will not be disturbed. Close your eyes and take a deep inhale for the count of four, three, two and one, holding and exhaling for a count of four, three, two and one, continuing to breathe in this way. While you're inhaling, just say to yourself breathing in and on the exhale, say breathing out, and as you continue to breathe in this way, draw your attention to the inhale breath and the warm air that flows throughout your body, providing energy to your chakras. With each breath, notice how your muscles are becoming more relaxed and your mind is slowing down, breathing deeply. Now, from your stomach, inhale a soft, glowing red and bring it down towards your root chakra, right at the base of the spine, in the tailbone area. Imagine the red light glowing brightly in this area, keeping you grounded and encouraging feelings of balance and serenity. Imagine that red light glowing brightly in this area. Continuing with those beautiful feelings of balance, serenity and security, you are safe. Moving up towards the belly button now, breathe in a soft, glowing orange color and send it to your sacral chakra. Imagine this bright, radiant light energizing this area, which is just about two inches below the navel. As you do this, continuing to breathe in this beautiful glowing orange color into your sacral chakra, you will begin to feel your emotions becoming more balanced. Moving up towards your upper abdomen, about one inch above your navel, breathing in a vibrant, glowing yellow, and send it to your solar plexus chakra. This chakra is about self-esteem, confidence and self-worth. So spend some time here, if these areas are areas that you'd like to improve in your life. Imagine the sunshine yellow energizing your solar plexus. Moving up towards your heart, breathe in a beautiful green color and send it to your heart chakra. This chakra enables us to feel love and open our hearts. So, with each breath in, imagine filling your heart with pure love and energy. Feel your heart opening as you allow yourself to be loved and to love others. As you continue to breathe this beautiful green color into your heart chakra, you feel at peace as the green energy transforms and opens your beautiful heart.

Speaker 1:

Moving up now towards the throat, I want you to breathe in a deep blue color into your throat chakra. This area enables our ability to communicate and express ourselves In the beautiful blue energizing this area. Embody the blue and spend some extra time here, if this is an area in your life that you'd like to work on when you're ready. Moving up towards the forehead now, in between the eyes, you're going to breathe in a vibrant indigo color, sending it to your third eye chakra. This area represents our ability to focus, to see and to solve problems and to foresee what the future holds. This is your intuition. Allow the energy to grow stronger as you breathe in more indigo and feel your intuition and insight become stronger. Finally, moving up towards your crown chakra, at the top of your head, breathe in a glowing violet color and send it to your crown chakra.

Speaker 1:

The highest chakra represents spirituality and our ability to be one with the universe. It is the center of pure bliss and nirvana. Will the violet grow stronger? Will you become more aware of your body, your mind and the world around you? I'm going to take a moment now to bring our focus back to feeling present in our body, to feel the different sensations of energy that are flowing through our feet and legs, our trunk, our arms, our hands and our chest, around the back of our ribs and our spine, through our neck and our face and our head, swirling and energetic, breathing into the sensations.

Speaker 1:

Now I want you to imagine feeling completely alive. Picture yourself standing in the rain with your arms open wide and the water drops gently caressing your cheek. You're breathing easily and you feel expansive. With each exhale you're opening further. You feel infinite and connected. If you feel a smile coming to your face, allow it. Maybe you want to open your mouth and taste the rain. Maybe the rain is tickling your nose. You're drenched now and you shake your head back and forth and in slow motion. The water just spins off your vibrant body. You're feeling so alive, so refreshed.

Speaker 1:

Take a few more deep breaths here and when you're ready, transport yourself back to where you are in this moment and notice how relaxed and comfortable you are. If you're heading on into sleep, just allow it. Enjoy your new breath and energy. If you feel so inclined, repeat the following affirmations I am alive, I am surrounded by life, I am grateful for my life. I feel safe and secure knowing that I am here, alive, right now. The gift of life makes me rich beyond my wildest dreams. I love and respect my life and it loves and respects me. I share my aliveness with those who need it and it comes back to me multiplied. Now take a moment to feel gratitude and joy for your wonderful life and the continuous miracles it produces. Take several deep breaths and slowly count down from 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1. Namaste,

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