STOPTIME: Live in the Moment.

Golden Light Guided Meditation for Self Discovery

May 18, 2024 Lisa Hopkins, Wide Open Stages
Golden Light Guided Meditation for Self Discovery
STOPTIME: Live in the Moment.
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STOPTIME: Live in the Moment.
Golden Light Guided Meditation for Self Discovery
May 18, 2024
Lisa Hopkins, Wide Open Stages

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Discover the tranquil power of your own breath and the subtle energies coursing through your body as we embark on a serene journey toward relaxation and self-awareness. Our latest guided meditation episode promises not just a moment of peace, but a transformative experience allowing you to anchor your mindfulness practice in a deeply personal intention. Whether you're seeking to start your day with clarity or end it with restorative calm, I'll be there to lead you through a nurturing golden light, touching every part of your being, and helping you find balance within.

Together, we'll engage in a Body Awareness Meditation that gently guides you to tune into the duality of sensations—warmth and coolness, weight and lightness—inviting you to embrace the path to inner peace. As we conclude the session, I encourage a heartfelt gratitude for the moments spent in reflection, affirming the inherent perfection within you. There's no need for change, only recognition of the complete and beautiful essence you possess. Join me in this meditation and let the spirit of gratitude fill you as we share love and light in gratitude for the journey you've embraced. Namaste.

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🎵 **STOPTIME Theme Music by Philip David Stern**
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Let us know what you enjoy about the show!

Discover the tranquil power of your own breath and the subtle energies coursing through your body as we embark on a serene journey toward relaxation and self-awareness. Our latest guided meditation episode promises not just a moment of peace, but a transformative experience allowing you to anchor your mindfulness practice in a deeply personal intention. Whether you're seeking to start your day with clarity or end it with restorative calm, I'll be there to lead you through a nurturing golden light, touching every part of your being, and helping you find balance within.

Together, we'll engage in a Body Awareness Meditation that gently guides you to tune into the duality of sensations—warmth and coolness, weight and lightness—inviting you to embrace the path to inner peace. As we conclude the session, I encourage a heartfelt gratitude for the moments spent in reflection, affirming the inherent perfection within you. There's no need for change, only recognition of the complete and beautiful essence you possess. Join me in this meditation and let the spirit of gratitude fill you as we share love and light in gratitude for the journey you've embraced. Namaste.

If you are enjoying the show please subscribe, share and review! Word of mouth is incredibly impactful and your support is much appreciated!

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🌟✨📚 **Buy 'The Places Where There Are Spaces: Cultivating A Life of Creative Possibilities'** 📚✨🌟
Dive into a world where spontaneity leads to creativity and discover personal essays that inspire with journal space to reflect. Click the link below to grab your copy today and embark on a journey of self-discovery and unexpected joys! 🌈👇
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🌟 **Interested in finding out more about working with Lisa Hopkins? Want to share your feedback or be considered as a guest on the show?**
🔗 Visit Wide Open Stages

📸 **Follow Lisa on Instagram:** @wideopenstages

💖 **SUPPORT THE SHOW:** [Buy Me a Coffee]

🎵 **STOPTIME Theme Music by Philip David Stern**
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Speaker 1:

Hey there. Today's meditation is going to begin with connecting with a wish or an intention. It can be a single word, a deepest desire, maybe something you haven't put out into the universe yet. Might be an affirmation. Really, whatever comes to mind for you today, it could be a single word like health, or peace, or calm, clarity. Whatever it is. Start to connect with your intention for today's meditation. Great. So find somewhere comfortable to relax, maybe a cushion under your knees to support your back, or a cozy blanket to keep you warm and allow yourself to fully relax. This is a practice that you can enjoy in the evening before you go to sleep, or even when you're feeling not well and you just want to reconnect and allow the body into a relaxed state of healing. You can also use it to start your day Whatever works for you. This is your invitation to join me in this short guided meditation.

Speaker 1:

Once settled, with eyes closed, start to feel the body heavy on the surface that you're lying on, just connecting with awareness to the weight of the body and the sound of your breath. This is a time just for you. There's nothing to do. You are supported. You will continue to breathe, whether you think about it or not, but if you connect with that beautiful life force, breath, you will notice a new energy. As you breathe and continue to connect with yourself, exhale anything that you've been holding on to Breathe in the connection, breathe out anything that's not serving you in this moment. There's nothing you can do, nothing you want to do right now. This time is for you. You're already here with me, so stay with me as your gift to yourself. Nothing else matters for these moments. There is no right or wrong. As you go through the process, there just is. In this beautiful relaxed space and state, connecting with the movement of your breath, allow yourself to connect inward, being one with the breath supported by the earth beneath you, connecting with your senses. What can you hear around you, both inside and outside? Just notice. Assign no meaning. Just notice. What can you taste in your mouth, what sensations can you feel in your skin and body? And now, as you connect with your eyes and your power of sight, just allow your gaze to turn inwards. Feel your eyes sinking gently as I guide you through this process, remaining relaxed yet in conscious awareness. If your mind drifts, simply notice and then guide it back to my voice.

Speaker 1:

In this relaxed state, I want you now to connect with that wish or intention that you set for today's practice. Remember, it can be a single word or a deepest desire, an affirmation or whatever comes to mind. Whatever your deepest desire or intention is, it's time now to state in your mind your intention for today's practice three times. Once you've repeated your intention or your affirmation three times, I want you to repeat thank you in your mind, feel a deep sense of gratitude. Take a deep breath in, fill yourself with that intention and, as you exhale, I want you to surrender your intention to the universe.

Speaker 1:

Take a few deep breaths here and I'm going to guide you now through parts of your body, just bringing awareness. You don't need to move. Simply listen to my voice and connect with each area as I guide you. There's no right or wrong way to do this. If you drift, simply guide yourself back to my voice, beginning the sensations of your tongue, your jaw and your lips, notice any tension there and just breathe into it and relax, guiding you now to your right hand thumb, second finger, third finger, fourth finger and fifth, moving to the palm of the hand and then to the back of the hand, your wrist, your forearm, your elbow and the fold in your arm on the opposite side of your elbow. Your upper arm, swirl around from your bicep to your tricep, now your shoulder, under your arm, and then down past your right ribcage and your torso and down to your waist on the right side of your body.

Speaker 1:

Imagine now that the area that I've guided you through so far has an aura, a, a beautiful golden light traced all the way from your fingertips up your arms and elbows, shoulders, and then down the side under your arm, past your ribs to your waist on the right side, ribs to your waist on the right side. Breathing and being, staying with my voice, allowing yourself a beautiful space between sleep and wakefulness, a wide, open space, no expectations, nothing to do. Breathe. And now we're going to do that same beautiful guided awareness up our left side, starting with the left hand thumb and the second finger, and then the third and fourth, tracing a beautiful aura, your fifth finger, your palm of the hand. Make a circle here, let it swirl, and now to the back of the hand and around the wrist, like a beautiful golden bracelet, beautiful gold aura as you trace up your forearm to your elbow and across the fold in your arm on the opposite side of your elbow and up your bicep and circle around to the back of the arm and your tricep, tracing now up to your shoulder and swirling back down under your arm and down through the left side ribs and torso to your waist.

Speaker 1:

We're going to continue on down to the hip and the thigh and the knee and the calf, stroke back up, hamstring to the glute and then back down again to the Achilles, the sole of the foot, the top of the foot, the left big toe, the second toe and third, the fourth and the baby. We'll do the same now on the right side, beginning at the waist and the hip and the thigh and the knee and the shin and the calf. We're going to stroke back up from the calf to the Achilles, the ankle, the heel and the sole of the foot and the top of the foot, the big toe and the second toe, the third toe, the third toe, left heel, right thigh, left thigh, right buttock, left buttock, lower back, middle back, upper back, and now trace a beautiful broad stroke down the entire spine Right to the tailbone and then trace straight back up, curving around the right shoulder blade and the left shoulder blade to the back of the neck to the back of the neck and the back of the head and the top of the head, trace a line right down your nose, swirling back up and out to your forehead, and now the right temple, the left temple Circle around the right ear and the left ear, tracing up your left eyebrow, down again on the bridge of your nose, back up again and over to the right eyebrow, circling your beautiful right eye and your right nostril and your left nostril Back up over your left eye, swirling to your right cheek, your glowing and your left cheek, beautiful space between your nose and your upper lip, beautiful space between your nose and your upper lip. And now trace your lip, upper and lower, both lips together, touching and now your chin and your jaw, the beautiful bone on the right side that goes to your throat. Take a broad stroke here and then back up again across your chin to the left side, across your chin to the left side and then down the left side, stroke up and down to your collarbone on the left and your collarbone on the right, the right side of the chest and the left side of the chest and the left side of the chest Swirling to the right upper ribs and then the left, lighting up your upper tummy and your lower stomach, circling around your belly button, down through the pelvis, down the front right leg and then up the left front leg. Take a beautiful brush down the right arm and another stroke down the left arm, broader strokes now your whole face, your whole head, your skull, the back of your head and now imagine your whole torso circling right around you, right underneath where you're lying.

Speaker 1:

Beautiful aura. You're floating now in the aura, connecting with the breath, breathing in and breathing out, connecting now with the sensation of heaviness and lightness at the same time. Notice which areas of your body feel heavy and relaxed and then connect with that sensation of lightness or it feels light. Your head, your back, your limbs, moving between the sensations, the beautiful opposites that life brings. As you feel heavy, feel your body on the mat or floor surface that you're lying on, heavy and sinking body, sinking into deep, heavy, relaxed awareness.

Speaker 1:

Then moving to calm. Where can you feel calm within your body? What does that feel like? Feel the lightness and now move to tension, feeling the body, experience tension and tightness and then back to calm, feeling calm wash all over your body. Notice heat within your body. Where does it feel warm or hot? Can you feel your pulse, can you feel your blood? And then moving to cold. Where do you feel cold? Does your breath feel cool or hot? And now light and dark. Feel the darkness behind your eyes. Where in your body feels dark? Moving to the light when in your body feels light? Feel that light within you. Where is it situated then? Feeling the whole body, all of you, inside and outside, enjoy a floating sensation and being Returning now to your deepest desire or affirmation or intention, whatever it is that you intended for today's practice, and allow yourself to connect with it again, repeating it in your mind with gratitude three times.

Speaker 1:

Hmm, if you are continuing on to sleep, then allow yourselves to go. My friends, if you are returning your awareness back to this space, to the room, then start to become more aware of the sounds around you, engaging even more consciously with the weight of your body on the mat. Take the time you need to process this experience. Take the time you need to process this experience. We've spent almost 30 minutes together. Give yourself gratitude and thanks for this practice. You are a beautiful being, a human being. The aura that you created is your aura. You're perfect as you are. Nothing needs to be fixed, nothing needs to be changed. I celebrate you in this moment, this perfect you, in this moment in this life. I'm truly grateful for you, with love and light from my heart to yours, namaste.

Guided Meditation for Relaxation and Self-Awareness
Body Awareness Meditation for Inner Peace