STOPTIME: Live in the Moment.

Loving-Kindness Meditation

July 07, 2024 β€’ Lisa Hopkins, Wide Open Stages β€’ Season 11 β€’ Episode 12

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Ever wondered how a simple meditation practice can transform your relationships and inner world? Discover the profound impact of loving-kindness meditation as we guide you through a practice that not only cultivates inner peace but also fosters deep compassion for others. We start by grounding ourselves in the present moment, focusing on our breath, and opening our hearts. From there, we recall someone who has shown us unconditional love and offer ourselves well wishes for happiness, safety, health, and peace.

In the next segment, we challenge ourselves to extend these heartfelt wishes to those who may trigger feelings of anger or frustration within us. By imagining these individuals as vulnerable children, we can let go of negative emotions and embrace a sense of shared humanity. Finally, we expand our circle of compassion to include all beings, emphasizing the power of kindness in creating a more connected and peaceful world. Join us as we explore the transformative practice of loving-kindness meditation and its ability to warm and open our hearts. Namaste.

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Speaker 1:

Hey there, we're going to meditate today on loving and kindness. This is a great practice to bring inner peace and to express external peace and share it with others, to release tension, to let judgment fall away. It'll be a very cleansing and freeing meditation. You can do it at any time of day. Go ahead and sit comfortably on a cushion or chair with your back straight, and if sitting is physically difficult, feel free to lie down instead. And I want you just to take note of being present in your body and your environment and begin to breathe. Pay attention, take your time, notice how your body accommodates each breath Spacious, open, calm, open, calm, calm. Turn your focus now to your heart and I want you to feel or imagine your beating heart with gratitude and warmth. Go ahead and place your hand there, if that helps, but I want you to conjure a feeling of true gratitude for your heart in your heart. Call to mind a person or pet or someone that you loved, past or present, whose steady love and unconditional acceptance of you has touched your heart in a special way. Allow yourself to experience their loving kindness as if they were right near you, happy for your presence and grateful for you, just as you are. Embody that feeling. Notice how this image eases your body and your mind. Relax into this warm feeling of connection, allow thoughts to arise and evaporate and then come back to your heart. Take your heart, take your time as you continue to translate what you're feeling into words. Again, if helpful, you might imagine that these kind wishing them with you Adapt the words so that they reflect your personal wishes and situation. For example, may I be held in loving kindness, may I be happy and safe, may I be healthy in body and in mind, may I always have enough, may my heart know peace. If you have your own version of the wishes that you'd like to speak into the universe, go ahead and say them at least three times, out loud or in your mind. Savor them, take your time. Take your time. Experience the wonder and wisdom of their ability to warm and open your heart. Next, we're going to bring to mind someone who means a lot to you, someone in whose presence you can relax and be fully appreciated for who you are. Feel the goodness of this heart connection and feel your mutual gratitude. And, as you offer your well wishes to this person, imagine that this person is touched by your words and well wishes and is experiencing happiness and peace as you offer these words. May you be held in loving kindness. Imagine them receiving this message. May you be happy and safe. Feel the connection. May you be healthy in body and in mind. May you always have enough. May your heart know peace. Appreciate the sincerity of the words and feel their ability to warm and open the heart To open your heart and the heart of others.

Speaker 1:

Next, we're going to bring to mind someone that you've met casually, someone you'd recognize, but that you don't really know Could be someone you see every day, the person who manages the produce department at your grocery store, or a neighbor that you nod to at the mailbox and, as you think of them, wish them well, repeat the same words and imagine that they receive the full benefit of these words. Gone are their aches and pains, vanished are their material worries and concerns about the future. Imagine that, as your wishes touch them, their hearts and minds are at ease. Imagine them receiving this message. May you be held in loving kindness. May you always be happy and safe. May you be healthy in body and in mind. May you always have enough and may your heart know peace.

Speaker 1:

Now imagine someone that you don't really care for in this moment.

Speaker 1:

It could be someone that you know personally or someone you know of who triggers you.

Speaker 1:

You may think of this person as unworthy of your consideration.

Speaker 1:

As you evoke them in your mind's eye, try to let go of holding on to the anger or frustration or resentment that you feel. It may help to imagine them as if they were very, very young, when they were a young, vulnerable child, before things became so difficult. Tap into how available you are to include them in your well wishes. This is an area that is more difficult, but with an open heart, if you're willing, offer them the same words May you be held in loving kindness. May you be happy and safe, in healthy body and mind. May you always have enough. May your heart know peace. And, as you feel the words and appreciate the words, feel their ability to warm and open your heart.

Speaker 1:

Finally, include as many people and animals as you can in your wishes, happy or sad, loved or neglected, in good health or in poor health, in all stages of life, without making a particular effort to envision them separately. Simply maintain awareness of the presence of all these beings who share your planet and send them your wishes with a sincere and tender heart. May we all be held in loving kindness. May we all be happy and safe. May we all be healthy in body and in mind. May we all always have enough. May we all know peace in our hearts. Take whatever time you need to feel these sensations and to feel the opening of your heart and the incredible power you have within you. Namaste, my friend.

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